Franz Josef Brama (Jax)
BH-VT, FO, P1x2, PD1, BN, CGC
AKC # DN75956003
CMKU DS/135037/22
HD, ED normal /SV/, HD/A, ED 0/0 /CZ/, Spondy 0 /CZ/, OCD free /CZ/, LÜW 0 /SV/
Black Sable
Date of birth: 10-27-2022
Height: 25.5 Weight: 85
Stunning black sable color with fantastic pigmentation. A magnificent broad and substantial head with loads of character and wonderful expression.
Strong bones and substantial build with fluid movement. Jax has a calm and steady, social temperament and with well developed desire to please.
Shows an excellent relationship with his handler in obedience with quick and reliable reactions to the commands. Strong drive in protection demonstrating full, hard grips.
Launches and hits with full commitment on the long distance courage test. Great drive for the toy or food, easily switches between the two.
Combining great looks with superior functionality.
Jax was raised in Czech these picture are of him over theree.
10-19-24 Jax earned his FO obedience title with second place and a great score of 93.5.
10-26-24 the fallowing weekend Jax and I made the long drive to Nampa Idaho to compete for his P1. Jax earned this title with a score of 181, first place and High in Trial.
He earned High in obedience with a nice score of 93 and shared High in protection with a good score of 88.
11-8-24 Jax earned his GPr1 with High in Trial protection. He has shown how stable he is by add 3 different titles in just a few weeks when he has only been with us a couple of months.
11-23-24 Big congrats to Jax for taking 1st place in the Protection Dog 1 (P1) class at the Western Regional WDA Trial with a High in Trial High Obedience score of 92.75 and a High Protection score of 94.5! Jax is now qualified to go to the WDA Championship trial in 20205. Well done Jax!
1-11&12-25 Jax earned his AKC BN title he place second on Saturday with a very nice 197.5 and took first on Sunday with another very nice 197.
3-23-25 Jax earned his Police dog 1 (PD1) title with High in Trial Protection score of 92. What a good job! FOR MORE INFORMATION on True Haus Kennels
or any of our german shepherd
James Reed
Oroville, Ca