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2024 To the best of my knowledge we added 33 new titles to our dogs this year. Congratulations to all of you that steped on the trial field... you are all winners even if you did not title!
We are all greatfull for his help as a decoy for training our dogs and working at the trails.
He always up to the officers at the Law & Paws Police K9 Demo
Dawn and Munay have been staying tuned up when they can get by to train.
Brian and Tycho did two titles in one weekend. First they earned their PD1 with 96.5 obedience and protection score of 96.
Then returned the next day to earn their PD2 with 95 obedience and 98.5 protection. Job well done!.
Qualified for the WDA Championship trial 2025 in Colorado Springs
Law & Paws Police K9 Demo
Susan has taken on the job of raising a puppy Bindi maybe we will see them on the trial field next year.
Vicky has retired.
Audi has passed over the rainbow bridge and well be missed very much.
OB1 and OB2
Lynette keeping busy with two of her dogs and a couple of board and trains.
Taboo PD2
Tosca P1x2 and qualified for the WDA Championship trial 2025 in Colorado Springs
Emir FO, P1 and qualified for the WDA Championship trial 2025 in Colorado Springs
Cheng and Titan added a PSOB1 this year.
Cheng was having so much fun he bought Maggie so he could play in the protection titles.
They earned their PD1 with only having been training together a couple of months, good job!
Qualified for the WDA Championship trial 2025 in Colorado Springs
Law & Paws Police K9 Demo
Angie keeping busy with two dogs.
Tec PD3
Siggi P3, GPr1, GPr2
Law & Paws Police K9 Demo
11-23-24 Yolanda and Rip earned their Police Dog 1 (PD1) title with second place and Decoy's choice.
qualified for the WDA Championship trial 2025 in Colorado Springs
Nancy took on our new breeding female Gaja.
Gaja came to us with no titles and Nancy took on that job.
They made a great team and took the trial field by storm adding 6 titles!
Qualified for the WDA Championship trial 2025 in Colorado Springs
BH, CGC, FO, P1, OB1, PD1
Nothing much changes for me from year to year but the names of the dogs..
Maggie GN, P2, OB2
Jax joined us in July and is a pleasure to work with.
He was happy to get on the trial field and work earning his FO, P1x2 and GPr1
Western Regional WDA Trial with a High in Trial, High Obedience score of 92.75 and a High Protection score of 94.5! Jax is now qualified to go to the WDA Championship trial in 20205.
He also went to his first AKC trial and earned his first leg for his BN title.
Maja joined us in Oct and two weeks latter when for the long drive to Idaho to earn her FO.
Back on the field a month later to earn her P1, judges choice and qualify for the WDA Championship trial 2025 in Colorado Springs.
Quigley at 12 months of age FO and P1.
Thanks to all of you.
2023 This year our group spent some time on the road. We took 4 dogs to Texas for the WDA championship trial and did very well.
Shortly after returning we went to Idaho to another very nice WDA trial, and then Oregon. We fit in a few AKC obedience trials as well. It is really great to have nice people and good dogs to play with.
We added 32 new titles this year to our group accomplishments.
Terrey accompanied us to the WDA Championship in Texas
He left his dogs home and did the very tough job of decoying the trial.
We are all greatfull for his help as a decoy for training our dogs and working at the trails.
Dawn and Munay have been staying tuned up when they can get by to train.
Brian and Tycho always a pleasure to watch.
Susan is doing very well with Vicky and Audi.
Vicky PS3 title and finished their Utility title in AKC
Audi PS1x3, PS2.
First place at the WDA Championship trial
Lynette keeping busy with two dogs.
Taboo P2, PD1
Tosca FO
Cheng and Titan are new to the dog world and haveing fun.
Angie keeping busy with two dogs.
Tec PD2, PS3
First place PS3 at the WDA Championship trial
Siggi P2, PS2x2, PS3, CD, BH
Second place PS2 at the WDA Championship trial
Nancy played with Eddie and Link this year.
Eddie PSOB2
Nancy and Link did not pass their PD2 but earned decoys choice award for their nice protection routin.
Nothing much changes for me from year to year but the names of the dogs..
Maggie FO, P1, PS1, PD1, BN, CD, BH not bad for a young dog that just turned two
Asco PS2x2, PD1
First place PS2 at the WDA Championship trial
Thanks to all of you.
2022 Our group is working hard and having fun. Trials are not as plentiful as in the past but we have still do what we can to add titles to our dogs. This year our group earned 29 new titles. Good job!
Terrey is now working two dogs Clip and Fjori
Clip earned his OB2 and PD2 and Qualified for the WDA Championship trial.
Fjori earned her FO and PA title.
Dawn and Munay have been staying tuned up when they can get by to train.
Brian and Tycho always a pleasure to watch.
Qualified for the WDA Championship trial
Law & Paws Police K9 Demo
Susan is doing very well with Vicky and Audi.
Vicky -
WDA-PS3 titles
Qualified for the WDA Championship trial
Law & Paws Police K9 Demo
Audi -
WDA-PSOB1, OB1, P1, and PS1.
Qualified for the WDA Championship trial
Angie keeping busy with two dogs.
Tec PD1 and P3
Qualified for the WDA Championship trial
Siggi P1 and PS1
Qualified for the WDA Championship trial
Nancy is now also working Eddie and they make a good team.
Nattie OB1
Eddie PSOB2
Qualified for the WDA Championship trial
Nothing much changes for me from year to year but the names of the dogs..
Gemma PS1, P1, GN, CD
Qualified for the WDA Championship trial
Law & Paws Police K9 Demo
Asco GPR1, FO, PSOB1, P1, PS1x2
Qualified for the WDA Championship trial
Law & Paws Police K9 Demo
Thanks to all of you.
2021 was still a very tough year for a lot of people. We are still guessing if life will get back to normal.
Events are still hard to plan and some still getting canceled at the last minute. But we love to be on the field with the dogs and get what we can done.
So for all of you that are trying to move forward in a positive way and enjoy your dog we say congratulations to you. We added 30 new titles this year.
Terrey and Clip stepped up and did their PD1.
Dawn and Munay worked very hard and added their PD2.
Brian and Tycho are such a pleasure to watch on the feild.
Susan added another dog so now her list is Chana, Vicky and Audi.
Vicky -
WDA - P2, PS2x2 titles
Audi -
P1, BN titles
Angie and Tec did very well.
They earned their P2, PS3
Angie also started titling her puppy Siggi.
David and Nitro are new to the sport and did a very nice job .
FO, P1.
David and Wito are also new to the sport and did a very nice job .
FO, OB1.
Fressia and Alice were back on the feild but not enough time to get it all back together.
She and Eddie did a good job with the PD1.
Tiffany and Mouser are workin gvery hard.
PS1, PSOB2x2, PS2.
Nancy and Nattie added their PSOB1.
Nothing much changes for me from year to year but the names of the dogs..
Link CDX
Eddie PS1
Gemma FO, BN, PD1
Audi FO
Thanks to all of you.
What can we say about 2020, not what we had hopped for but we did what we could to make the best of it.
To the best of my knowledge we added 42 new titles to our dogs this year with the limited amout of trials that were held.
Congratulations to all of you that steped on the trial field... you are all winners.
Terrey and Clip are off to a very good start as a team.
Clip FO, PA, P1, CGC
Bane earned P1
Mandy FO, CGC
Dawn and Munay did not get to spend as much time with us with how this year went.
But still added their OB1 and OB2 titles
Brian and Baden earned their PD1 and OB2.
Brian started his pup Tycho on the feild this year and did very well.
Tycho FO, OB1, P1
Susan worked Chana and Vicky this year.
Vicky -
WDA - PD1, PD2 titles
Chana -
WDA - PS3, P2, P3 titles
Angie and Tec working very hard but at the higher levels it is not easy.
They earned their PSOB3, OB2, OB3
Ashly has now started her own training group in Oregon. She is comming down often to train and trial with us.
Back earned his PS2 and PS3
Kaiyah added PS1 and PS2
Pistol at the young age of 10 months earned her CGC and FO
Ranger and sale dog eaened his CGC and FO
Peggy and Brave working hard this year.
Brave earned PS1
Fressia had a set back right before the trail when Alice broke her tail.
She did not let that stop her, she stepped up and took on my dog Eddie and trialed with her.
She did a great job and earned Eddie's P1. This shows how much she has learned and she is becoming a dog handler.
Tiffany and her puppy are doing very well.
Mouser earned her P1 with first place.
Nancy and Nattie have put in the work are are doing very well.
Nothing much changes for me from year to year but the names of the dogs..
Link P3
Eddie FO, CGC
Clay FO, CGC, P1
Thanks to all of you.
One more year behind us now 2019
To the best of my knowledge we added 59 new titles to our dogs this year. Congratulations to all of you that steped on the trial field... you are all winners.
Terrey has handled several dogs this year proving he has stepped up his knowledge and ability.
We hope to see him on the field this next year with his own pup Clip.
Bane earned FO, PA, CGC
Thor earned FO
Reaper FO
Dawn and Munay tried some AKC trials and did very well along with their WDA titles.
The added their BN, PS1, OB1, PD1
Brian and Baden earned their P2, PS3, APr2 and GPr3.
Brian also earned CGC's with his board & trians Ranger and Rip.
Susan worked Chana and Vicky this year.
Vicky -
AKC - CD and GN titles
WDA - OB1 and P1 titles
IGP - BH title
Chana -
AKC - two legs toward GO title
WDA - PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSOB3 titles
IGP - GPr 1 title
This was Stryker's last year on the trial field we hope he and Bob enjoy retirement.
Leaving the field adding a PSOB1
Yolanda and Naya added their PS1.
Angie and Tec stepped up this year adding AKC titles to the list of WDA titles they are earning.
They earned their BN, PS1, PS2, CD, GN
Ashly has taken to dog sport fast and furious. She is working Back and Kaiyah and doing very well.
Back earned his PS1
Kaiyah BN, FO, P1, BH, CD
Peggy and Brave have put in the work earning AKC and WDA titles this year.
Brave earned P1, BN
Fressia is new to dog sport but has not let that slow her down she worked two dogs this year.
Fyve O earned his FO
Alice earned her FO, P1
Tiffany has also joined our group with her puppy, and doing very well.
Mouser earned her FO at just 9 months of age.
Shelly and Asher have been working very hards this year. Asher is still very young and wants to do things his way.
We have seem much improvment over the year and know growing up is a hard job for a lot of puppies.
Chris and Hanka joined us for AKC and WDA doing very well in both.
Hanka CGC, FO, P1, BN
Nancy took to the field like she had been at it all of her life. This was her first time trailing a dog.
She borrowed Abbie and together they earned their OB1 title, great job and nice team.
Hope to see you on the field next year with your puppy.
Nothing much changes for me from year to year but the names of the dogs..
Link PSOB2, PD2(H), PS2, PS3, P2, GPr2
Rocky FO, P1, OB1
Abbie PS1, GO
Thanks to all of you.
2018 is behind us now. This was a very hard year for a lot of our people with the Camp fire destroying so much.
But as a group we all still trained and tried to do what we could to put those bad days behind us. So many lost so much, but it could not take away our friendships.
To the best of my knowledge we added 48 new titles to our dogs this year. Congratulations to all of you that steped on the trial field... you are all winners.
Terrey has joined our group as a WDA decoy. He is also a very good handler.
He started out in WDA to title his nice dog Ninna and earned her FO.
Sadly and very sudden she passed, and will be missed.
We asked Terrey is he would like to handle Brook so he can continue to learn.
He took on the challenge it is very hard to trail a dog you do not live with or feed.
They have done very well earning their PS1 and PS2. Nice job ;-)
Dawn and Munay have also joined our team and doing very well.
Their first time on the trial field the earned their FO, PA, P1.
Brian and Baden earned their PS2, P1S, P2S and APr1.
Brian also earned an FO with his board & trian Conrad.
Susan always keeps a few of the True Haus female dogs busy when they are not on puppy duty.
She trains them for various competitions in SDA, IPO and AKC.
Susan and Chana have become a great team to watch.
Chana - P2S, PS1, PSOB1, GN, CDX
Remmie - PS1, PSOB1, P3S
Debbie and Hagan steped it up this year ;-)
Earning a PSOB1 and PS1.
Bob and Stryker added a P3S to their long list of titles.
Yolanda and Naya took the first part of the year off to add another small person to our group. Congradulations ;-)
But were back on the field in the fall earning their OB1
Angie and Tec are improving all of the time.
They earned their OB1 and P1S.
Bobby and Elliot worked hard and came back this year to earn their OB2. Very nice ;-)
Jay and Fabio added their P2S this year ;-)
Brian and Brix have not had a lot of time to train.
Once again we had an extremely bad fire year making it very hard for Brian & Brix to get to training.
But they did squeeze in time for their PD1.
Hope next year is better.
Koty and Denver were back on the field this year ;-)
Denver earned his FO and P1S ;-)
Koty also stepped up and handled Zan for his P1
Seem like I never run out of dogs to keep me busy.
Link PSOB1, P1S, CD, GN, APr1, PS1, PD1
Vicky CGC, BN
Bryta FO, P1, CGC, BN
Abbie CDX, GN, P2, PD2
Flex FO
What a great year and good people to play with.
Thanks to all of you.
2017 is now behind us.
To the best of my knowledge we added 42 new titles to our dogs this year. Congratulations to all of you that steped on the trial field... you are all winners.
Brian and Baden earned their P1 and P1S.
Brian also earned an FO with his board & trian Saber.
Susan always keeps a few of the True Haus female dogs busy when they are not on puppy duty.
She trains them for various competitions in SDA, IPO and AKC.
She has now taken on a dog of her own "Chana". ;-)
Chana - SDA FO, P1, P1S and AKC BN, CD
Remmie - SDA OB2, P2, P2S, PD2
Gina - PD3, OB2
Debbie and Hagan earned trier OB2 twice this year.
Now to just get that to fallow over on the protection field.
With a powerfull dog full of heart like Hagan this is not easy.
Bob and Stryker have made it to the top for sport titles in SDA.
Competing both their P3 and P3S this year.
Now it is time to do some IPO ;-)
Yolanda and Naya added two titles P1 and PD1.
Earning their P1 with honors at the SDA Championship trial.
This was with two very big and strong decoys from back east, nice job girls.
Angie and Tec took the field for their very first time this year.
They earned their FO and then added a CGC.
Good start see you next year.
Bobby and Elliot finished their CD. Very nice ;-)
Also working on theri OB2 but just fell short of passing.
You will get it next year ;-)
Jay and Fabio look like they have been at this forever.
They added their PD1, P1S and P1 this year ;-)
Brian and Brix have not had a lot of time to train.
Brian is a fire fighter and this has been a very busy fire year.
But they did squeeze in time for their FO and P1S.
Hope we get to see more of them next year.
Koty and Denver are new this year to our group ;-)
They are a pleasure to have and Koty is always willing to help out.
Denver earned his CGC and will be fun to watch next taking down the bad guy ;-)
Seem like I never run out of dog to keep me busy.
Back Apr3 P2S OB3
Brook PD3 at the Championship trial
Abbie CD at Gridley and first leg of her GN in Reno
Bryta CGC
What a great year and good people to play with.
Thanks to all of you.
Yet another year behind us 2016 has come to a close.
After the past few years of traveling we stayed closer to home and took it a bit easier this year.
To the best of my knowledge we added 34 new titles to our dogs this year. Congratulations to all of you that steped on the trial field... you are all winners.
Brian and Hawana added her P1S.
With Saber a board and train they earned a CGC.
With Bubba another board and train they earned a CGC.
His young dog Baden took first place earning their FO with a 97.1 also adding a CGC
Susan and Gina conquered the Police Dog 3 title this year.
This is no easy feat and we are very proud of them. Good job!
Susan always keeps a few of the True Haus female dogs busy when they are not on puppy duty.
She trains them for various competitions in SDA, IPO and AKC.
Gina earned her SDA PD3, her AKC GN and received Helper's Choice Award from Stanislaus County Schutzhund Club.
Tesa earned her AKC BN and CGC also her SDA P1 and OB1, and her IPO BH.
Hawana earned one leg toward her AKC CD title.
Remmie earned her SDA OB2.
Debbie and Hagan are always here working on something.
They have made big steps in their dumbbell retrieve.
They are gaining all of the time on the obedience. But it is not an easy chore with the decoy on the field.
Bob and Stryker are always a pleasure to watch.
They earned their PD2 in April.
Finishing the year off with a P2S at the Western Region regional trial. Nice job boys ;-)
Yolanda and Naya are back to training.
They did very nice job earning their FO and P1S.
Cindy Loftus wanted to try trialing.
So we loaned her Remmie to work for a few weeks and they did very well together.
Earning their PA title. Nice job Cindy!
Bobby and Elliot came back this year to do an OB1. Very nice ;-)
Jay and Fabio are new to our training group.
But they have fit in very well and looks like they are serious about it.
They took to the field and earned their FO with 93.7 and made it look easy. ;-)
Ted and Rea are also new this year. They did a nice job earning their FO.
We hope to see them back on the field soon.
Once again I have kept busy.
Abbie finished her BN at the GSD dog show, then earned her BH and also her P1S with first place at the Western Region regional trial.
Back finished his CD at the GSD show, then earned his CDX in one weekend with 189, 1891/2 & 191.
Also earning his GN, APr2 and PD2 this year.
Book took the first part of the year off to have puppies.
But came back strong to finish the year with first place in the PD3 at the Western Region regional trial.
Zoe earned her FO and CGC.
Seti also earned her FO and CGC.
What a great year and good people to play with.
Thanks to all of you.
With 2015 coming to a close we look back and see how far many of our students have come.
Several of them traveling to Pennsylvania to trial in the SDA Championship. It was a great road trip and a memory that will be with us for ever.
To the best of my knowledge we added 54 new titles to our dogs this year. Congratulation to all of you that steeped on the trial field you are all winners.
Brian changed dogs this year so with a new puppy to raise he spent more time helping all of us and judging.
He went to Alaska to judge and help a new group get started in SDA.
He went to Pennsylvania to judge SDA's first Championship. Thank you .
He also took on Hawana and added her FO with only working her a couple of times.
He took a board and train Buzz and earned his FO and PA.
Susan and Gina stepped up to the Police Dog 3 titles this year. They fell a bit short but they gave it a very good try.
She is learning a lot by handling several dogs at different stages of training. Good job!
Anya titles - P1S, P1, CD, BH
Gina titles - PD2, P2S, CD, one leg on her GN
Xara CGC, one leg of BN
Tesa titlea - FO, PA
Debbie and Hagan put it their time training and always with a very positive attitude
Hagan is very impressive to watch on the protection field. But he still thinks it should be done his way ;-)
He did earn his OB1 two times, BH and also his BN.
But once he took his grip on that bad guy he did not thing it was a good idea to let him go. Maybe next year ;-)
Lynnette and Dexter added thier Police Dog 1 (PD1).
Jeremy and Kimber have moved on to play in PSA.
They did add thier P1M, PD1 and a BH this year.
Philip and Zane finished up with a Police Dog 1 title.
Zane is retired now and Philip will have to start a new dog.
We wish them both lots of fun.
Hope to see you again on the trial feild.
Bob and Stryker did some traveling this year.
They earned their PD1 at the River Bend trial.
They went to Oregon and earned their BH.
Then took the road trip with us to Pennsylvania and add a OB2 in the True Haus trail.
Also took first place at the SDA Championship for their P2.
Finishing the year off with another OB2. Nice job boys ;-)
Goodie and Reika had a tough start this year with Reika being hurt.
So Reika will no longer be doing protection titles and just working to higher OB title with AKC.
Goodie wanted to make the road trip to Pennsylvania so she took on Remmie to have a dog to play with.
They did a great job and earned Remmie's P1(H). All of this with just a week of bonding on the trip.
They took to the field at the end of the year and added Remmie's PD1.
Good job girls we are proud of you .
Susan and Seven had a very good year.
For SDA they have added their P1, PD1 with Judges Award
They earned their BH under a DVG judge and then again under an SV judge.
They put in their time in the AKC ring. This is not easy and they did very well.
Earning their BN, a leg in the Rally ring and 2 legs of their CD.
Also doing the American Temperament Test (TT).
Bobby and Elliot earned thier Family Obedience FO.
I am blessed with some very nice dog to play with, thanks to the boss;-)
Back APr1, CD, CGC, FO, P1(H), P1S(H), PD1, P2(H)
Brook PD2, P2(H), BN, CD, BH
Abbie CGC, FO, P1
Remmie BN
What a great year and good people to play with.
Thanks to all of you.
Time sure flies when you are having fun. It is hard to be-leave 2014 is over.
Team True Haus had another very good year spent with dog people that enjoy training.
Good Job Everyone! Looked to me like we covered about 56 new titles.
Brian started a new young dog this year "Koda" and added several OB titles with very nice score.
AKC, CGC on 3/29/14
SDA, FO 4/25/14
SDA, OB1 on 7/5/14
IPO, BH (whenever we were in Oregon)
He also took on a couple of board and train dogs. And went ahead and added titles to them while he had them working nice.
Onyx vom True Huas
SDA, FO & P1 10/31-11/1
SDA, FO & P1
That is enough to keep anyone busy, but not Brian. He had to add a trip to the east coast to trial Max.
Then a trip to Germany for a Helmute Riser & Bart Bellon seminar. We are all in envoy ;-)
Susan is still having to much fun. We never see a picture of her that she is not smiling in :-)
She likes to keep very busy so she took on a couple extra dog. She did a fine job with all of them and is learning to be a very good handler.
Reva titles - P1S, PD1, CD, GN
Sasha titles - Shutzhund BH, PD1, CGC, CD
Gina - Added a second leg toward her AKC Companion Dog (CD) title.
Terra - Added a second leg toward her AKC Graduate Novice (GN) title.
Debbie and Hagan worked very hard all year and had a few growing pains. But kept a smile and good spirits all of the time.
At the April trial, tried to qualify Hagan for the P1s, didn't because he went to visit the steward several times. ;-)
The October 31st trial, Hagan was first in the P1s and got high in protection with a score of 97. Hard work paying off. ;-)
Tried to qualify for the P1 at the November 1 trial and got 1st place in the OB 1.
At the Desert Winds trial on November 22, Lancaster, CA.tried to qualify for the P1, and got a 2nd place in OB 1 title.
Boy was it windy!!!! The dark side came out in Hagan during the protection phase.
Things like that happen when you travel a long way to a trial.
I Had so much fun in 2014 with Hagan . Looking forward to 2015
So are we! Watching you and Hagan come together is so much fun.
Lynnette and Dexter added thier Protection Dog 1 (P1).
Jeremy and Kimber have been working very hard at waiting for her to grow up.
Puppies are fun but then you want to do stuff and they have to grow up first.
But by fall they were ready to add a couple OB titles.
Their FO was done very nicely with second place and a very good score of 91.
They traveled all the way down to Lancaster, CA and add their OB1 with first place.
Nice job!
Zane did his P1 now for the 3rd time
He also had his personal best P1 OB score of 90pts !
Philip and Zane trailed in three events this year, always having a good time and enjoying working together.
Philip needed more to do so he coned Joelyn into sharing her dog Stitch with him.
They sheared Stitch's Protection Dog 1 (P1) title
Joelyn and Stitch earned the OB portion.
Philip and Stitch earned the protection portion.
Stitch did all of the work and won the decoys choice award.
We think they gave it to her for being such a good sport and playing with both mom and dad.
Not all dogs will do that . ;-)
Bob and Stryker have become such a pleasure to watch.
They work together very well and it shows on the trial feild.
They earned their PD1 two times and a P1, finishing 1st place in P1 and PD1!!
Receiving HIGH in Protection with a very nice 95 points.
Goodie and Reika are at the top of titles on the sport side.
They earned their P3 and did P3S two times.
They worked hard on the APr2 but after traveling to Oregon it just did not come together.
It is one thing to add new titles. It is even harder to be at the top and be working on better scores.
Good job girls we are proud of you .
Chris and Stella were the frist team to earn the new Police Dog 2 titles offered by SDA.
Susan and Seven are learning a lot about training and trialing.
They have added their P1 and P1S.
Also took to the road for the Lancaster, Ca. trial.
Yalonda and Nyna have come a long way this year.
This was their very fist time to try dog training.
They earned their CGC and added their BN title.
I think we will see more of them next year ;-)
Ella had two dogs to work early this year.
She put an FO on Anya
And added a P1S, BN, CGC to Vande's titles.
They earned a perfect score of 200 for their on leg of their BN.
Great job girls.
Zelda and Cat earned their Protection Dog 2 (P2) title. This was Zelda's first time to trial for a protection title.
She spent a few weeks with Cat learning the routine and how to handle.
Zelda did an awesome job of handling under the trial stress, and Cat was very happy to help her learn.;-)
The boss decided to join in the fun this year.
He trialed with his new young dog Harley
They earned their FO, P1 and PD1.
Taking first palce for their PD1
I also took Harley to Oregon for his BH, and added hid CGC.
I seem to always have several dogs to play with.
Olex earned his OB1, BH
Remmie earned her FO, P1S, CGC
Brook earned her PD1,P1, P2S
Ayna earned her FO, CGC
Pluss the BH and CGC of Harley
I did a few legs at the AKC shows with Olex but ran out of time to finish him.
What a great year and good people to play with.
Thanks to all of you.
In closing yet another year (2013), we would like to thank all of the nice people who have trained with us.
Our team has been very active this year we several of us taking to the road.
We traveled to Tennessee in May for a 3 day SDA trail. Then to Lower Lake, Ca in September and Lancaster Ca. for two more SDA trial.
We were on the road for a few Schutzhund trials and several AKC shows. We added a total of 67 new titles this year.
Good Job Everyone!
Brian & Tig have a very busy year. They added their OB2, OB3, P1, P1S(H), and PD1 titles.
Then with a very sad heart for Brian and tough decision he let Tig go to do what the dog was meant to do.
Tig is now a Butte Co. Sheriff officer. It is not often you find a dog with what it takes to do that job.
Tig is very special and we are very happy to have him keep us safe. Thanks Brian.
To help fill the empty time Brian took on Gina and added her P1M.
She is the very first dog to ever earn this title in SDA.
Then two weeks later they added her SchH BH.
Susan never lets any time slip by her. With a lot of work her and Reva earned there CD.
This is an AKC title and it is not as easy as everyone thinks ;-)
They also added their P1, P1S(H), T1, OB1 and CGC.
Susan still have time to spare so she added Sasha to her training and earned a P1S.
Debbie and Lexie finished up a long list of titles with a PD1 and many happy years on the field.
Now Lexie is retired.
Hagan (Lexie's replacement, if any dog could do that)
Started out what we hope to as successful trailing courier as Lexie had. They earned their CGC and FO.
Lynnette and Blitz also had their last trip to the trial field this year earning their P1S.
Blitz has crossed over the rainbow bridge and will be missed by all of us.
She also helped out and did Sasha's FO. Thank you.
Jeremy was working very hard with Darcy to earn his FO.
Darcy would rather hang out on the couch, leaving Jeremy with to much time on his hands.
So he stepped up and took on Terra about 2 weeks before our fall trial.
They earned their P1S, two weeks later added their SchH BH.
Than went right back a couple of weeks after that and did their PD1.
Nice job for a dog that had been off work for two years and a first time handler!
Kiersten and Heidi did very well earning their FO, P1, P2.
This was their fist year together and first time ever trailing. Nice job girls ;-)
WOW is all I can say about Phillip and Zane.
We are so happy for the two of you going all the way CGC, OB2, OB3 and SchH BH.
Most of all having a FUN time wail getting their. Good job!
Joelyn and Stitch set out to get their SchH BH this year.
Well they covered that and also added their CGC, FO and OB1. Very cool !
Bob and Stryker did an assume job this year.
They earned their FO and P1.
They were High in Trial for both Obedience and Protection at out fall SDA trial.
High Obedience score of 94.1
High Protection score of 97.9
Goodie and Reika lit the trial field a fire this year.
Doing SDA and Schutzhund and doing them very well.
They earned their PD1, OB1, P2S, OB2, P2, SchH BH, APr1. Excellent job!
Bobby and Rex earned their FO and CGC.
Tara and Indi earned their OB3.
Clack and Trigger earned their PD1.
Alicia and Vada earned their FO.
Susan and Seven were new to training this year.
But they did very well and added their CGC and FO.
Zelda and Jago put in some time trailing this year.
Jago still a very young dog wanted to do it his way.
Zelda is hanging in their and next year will be different.
They did a great job earning their CGC.
Danny and Kalli added two new titles this year, P2 and P3S. Nice Job.
I seem to always have several dogs to play with.
Cat earned her OB3, P3S
Gina earned her FO, P1, CGC
Brook earned her FO, BH
Kalli and I added her P2S, OB2
Sasha and I adder her P1(H), OB1
Esko & I tried several AKC shows adding his first leg for his UD title.
We will try again next year for yet another leg ;-)
What a great year and good people to play with.
Thanks to all of you.
Our Team has been working very hard in 2012. We have completed 2012 with 38 new titles.
Tara and Indy set their goals high for the end of the year.
They entered two classes and walked away with two first places.
Earning their OB2 with a very nice score of 93.5.
Then coming back to the field to take first
place again for the Protection Dog 1 (P1).
Indy also earned her CGC. All of the time training is finally paying off.
Nice Job!
Goodie and Reika earned HIGH IN TRIAL protection at our SDA 11-10-12 trial with their P1S title.
At our spring trial they earned their Protection one (P1) title.
They also finished their AKC CD title this year and are now working on their GN.
Jim and Cindy- I want to thank both of you for all your help in getting Lexi and I ready for the P3s title these last 5 months.
I never would have thought I could have accomplished this title.
Again , a big thank you! Debbie
We are very happy that Debbie and Lexi have had such a good time training and trialing.
They earned their P2S in May. Finished their Graduate Open "GO" title in September. Then finished out the year with the Protection Dog 3 Sleeve (P3S) making Lexi the first show line GDS to earn that title Great job!
Brian bought Tig in March of this year. In a very short time they have become a great team.
It is a pleasure to watch them work.
They earned the CGC and FO titles. Also their OB1 with first place and a very nice score of 93.
Brian also earned a FO with KT at our May trial.
Brian has also been training to be a decoy.
He has learned a great deal and is well on his way to being an very good decoy.
We wish him many long years in the dog sport world, good help is very hard to come by ;-)
Susan started out with the goal of putting an OB1 on KT after Brian took on Tig.
We are very pleased to say she did this, and did it very well with a nice score of 85.5.
She also added a CGC to KT's list of achievements.
She was having so much fun working with one dog she decided to take on another.
So only a few short weeks before our trial she started to work with Reva.
They worked so nice together that they earned
first place for the FO's. They also did their Protection Alert (PA) title.
Can't wait to see what they accomplish next year. ;-)
This was Ella's very first dog trial.
She did an awesome job with Vande earning second place with a great score of 95.5.
What a great way to start a new sport.
We can't recall ever seeing anyone else haveing so much fun as those two.
It made our whole year of training worth while. ;-)
Lynette and Blitz had worked very had for their Protection Dog 1 title in May.
Earning it with a First place and a great OB score of 93. ;-)
Blitz took time off to have a litter so Lynette took on Goodie's dog Anne for an OB1 at our fall trial.
With very shot time to practice they did a great with a score of 92.5.
We would like to start by saying Thank You to Danny.
He is our head decoy and has worked very hard all year to get all of our dogs ready to trial.
He is very appreciated by all of us that train here, we could not do it with out him.
We do give him a
few minutes at each training session to get Kalli out and do some work.
They seem to fit each other very well
and add their PD1 with first place at our May trial.
They finished out the year with their OB2 second place and a
very nice score of 91.
Very nice job!
Clark and Trigger did a great job and earned their CGC and Protection 1 Sleeve (P1S).
We saw Clark make much improvement in the past few months as he prepared for the trial.
We are very proud of him ;-)
We have a few others that added CGC's, Bob with Stryker, Kirsten with Daisy and Bobbie with Rex.  Job well done ;-)
Jim has been having such fun with Coal he decided to add some titles.
So they started with their CGC then did the FO and OB1.
But they have their most fun is playing Frisbee each day.
Chris and Stella earned their Police Dog 1 (PD1) in May.
Then took some time off for Stella to have a litter.
But as soon as the pups were gone they were back to work and
finished up the year with their Protection Dog 1 Sleeve (P1S). Good job girls ;-)
Once again I found my self busy with several dogs to work.
Cat and I put in a great amount of time and she is now the First female dog to have earned the
POLICE DOG 2 (PD2) title.
I just can not express how hard this title is and how proud I am of her.
Then we added her GN, two legs of her CDX, and finished up with her P2S.
Esko and I dashed out and did his CDX early in the year. Then added his Protection Dog 2 Sleeve (P2S).
I also had Olex one of our Esko and Kalli pups in for 6 weeks of board and train.
He was such a pleasure to work and a fast learner. The timing was right before our trial so his owners had me go ahead an enter
He did awesome and earned his FO with 91 points and his Protection 1 (P1) with second place.
We have completed 2011 with 36 new titles. We want to say thank you everyone that has put in all of the work/fun and time to train this year.
Kirsten and Daisy did a great job training this year.
They earned their FO and OB1 titles.

Tara and Indy did a great job for thier first year of trialing.
Adding their FO, PA and OB1.
Tara was also working Stella so she could learn the Police Dog 1 routine.
Lynette and Blitz did some excellent obedience work and earned the FO and OB1 title.
Great job!
Clark and Bindi stopped by long enough to do their FO.
It was great fun to see them training!
Lance and Zara put in the time and effort and earned their FO and OB1.
We are very proud of both of them.
Sarah and Salsa make a great team.
New to dog trialing but having allot of fun with it.
Sarah and Salsa achieved their FO title.
Once again Cindy Alves was very busy handling several dogs.
She and Reika earned their FO and PA.
Fiby and Cindy were very busy doing their PD1, P2 and CD.
She and Clint earned their FO and CGC.
Goodie was kind enough to step in and help me out with Gia.
She did a fine job trialing her for her FO.
She also took the time at an AKC show and earned Gia's CGC.
It is not easy to take a dog that is not yours and trial with it.
Thank you!
Tonia and Arin added yet another title, this time it was the P2.
Melissa and Josie were a great team for their first time on a trial field.
They earned their FO title and plan to be back for more next year.
Bob and Sedona had another good year.
They finished their CDX, earned two legs of their GO title.
They also earned thier OB2 title.
Dennis and Axel did an excellent job on the FO.
Debbie and Lexi had a very good year adding their P2, OB2 and CDX.
I also kept myself busy with several dogs.
Esko work very hard after just getting here from Austria. He earned his FO, PD1, P1 and CD.
Stella earned her CD, GN and her P1.
Reika and I put 1 leg on for her CD and did her CGC.
Cat and I trained very hard and were ready fro her PD2 in November.
I would like to thank Dennis for all of his help with Cat's muzzel work.
But due to an accident the day before the trial she could not work.
We hope to be able to do that title at the next SDA trial.
As another year comes to a close we would like to congratulate all who have trained hard here at True Haus.
Our group earned 33 new titles this year. GREAT JOB to all of you.
Debbie and Lexi had a very good year earning their SDA FO in May, and Protection 1 (P1) title in November.
Also finishing their AKC CD with two first and a second. Went right back a passed their graduate novie GN title.
Then added their 1st leg for their CDX title. Now taking a brake for Lexi to have puppies.
What a great job for two new commers to the trial feild!
Goodie did a great job with Annie being so young and full of play earning their SDA FO and their first leg of their AKC BN.
Tonia and Arin add two new titles to their long list of accomplishment. The SDA FO and P1.
Cindy Alves was very busy with trialing several dogs:
Taz earning his SDA FO.
Zeus earning his FO.
Gitta finishing her CD, FO and Protection 1 (P1)
Cindy and OD did a fine job with there Police Dog 1 (PD1) title.
She really stepped up this year and did a great job of dog handling.
It is one thing to train and yet a very different thing to trial. GREAT JOB!
Bob and Sedona addedd their SDA FO and Protection dog 1 (P1)x2 titles to their list of accomplishments.
Also finished their AKC GN donig a fine job in three shows with 2 first and 1 fourth.
Then moving right on to earn their CDX title in the ribbons. Nice job BOB!
We are very pleased with how well they are doing and how much fun they are having.
Clark and Trigger entered the SDA trial with just a few short weeks of training.
They did a fine job and earned their FO title.
They had such a good time with it they are going to try a few more titles next year.
I was also very bussy this year with several dogs.
Cat earned her Police Dog 1, her OB2 and her AKC GN titles.
Kalli added her FO, Protecton 1 (P1) to her titles.
Fiby received her FO and Protection 1 (P1).
Terra worked very hard and finishe her FO, Protection 1 (P1) and her AKC CD.
Stella at a very young 10 months of age earned her FO.
Jenny and Mimzy took a break for their conformation showing to do some obedience.
Earning their FO and OB1 title. Very nice job to both of you.
Judy and Odessa did very well earning their SDA Protection 2 (P2) title.
What a great job adding yet another first place trophy and title to their list of accomplishments.
GREAT JOB ................................
Judy and Jacob have now completed their AKC Utility Title with FIRST Place.
A very nice score of 194.
Jacob earned his three legs with a third, second and a first place.
Utility is a very difficult class, and we are very proud of them for working so hard.
5-09-2009 Congratulation are in order for our group!!!
We attended the SDA/UKC trial at IAPC Sports Club. There were 25
entries for the FO (family obedience) title. All of our dogs earned this
title allowing them to go onto the P1 (protection 1) title. It was a long day,
but we enjoyed watching all of the dogs and learning about this sport. Having never
even seen a SDA trial and only having the rules to read for help, we did very well.
For the OB1 title Judy and OD took first and Cindy and Cat earned third. All three of our dog
earned thir Protection 1 (P1) titles. With Cat earning a First and OD taking second. Cindy and
Reyna earned thier P1 with First Place on Sunday.
Here at True Haus we train for the enjoyment of time spent with our dogs and friends.
Not for any one sport. So when we learned this new sport was having a trail in our
state we decided to go.
SDA (Service Dogs of America) club. You can read about it on this
link SDA

Cindy and Reyna have now earned their CD Title
Three trials, three legs.............THREE FIRST PLACES!
Way to go girls !!!!!!! All of that hard work is paying off.
Cindy and Reyna have been working very hard and entered their first AKC obedience trials. Their were two trials on
the same day. They took first place both times with very nice scores of 190 and 188. We would like
to take time to congratulate them on all of the hard work and time they have put in.
Bob and Sedon finished their CD title with a great score of 187 1/2 points third place out of 10 dogs.
They have worked very hard from their first leg in March to finish in July. We are very proud of them.
We would also like to congratulate Bob and Sedona for their first leg and earning second place.
This was their very first time at an AKC trial.
They have been making great progress with their training.
July 6 2008
Schutzhund trial 11-15-2008. We would like to congratulate Tonia and Arin for earning thier OB3 title. Nice Job.

We would like to congratulate several of our students for completing their Canine Good Citizen.

The trail season for 2008 is here. And the students from True Haus have been working very hard.
May 2008
Dorothy and Griff have been working to get ready for the trial season
Great way start and finish their first AKC CD title.
Three shows, 1 first and 2 seconds. High in Trial GSD What more can we say!
Great job!
Chris and Sadie have just earned thier first leg for thier CD.
This was thier first time in the ring and they did very well.
Judy and Jacob (see below) earned thier firts leg of the UD title. This is a very hard
title to earn and we are very pleased that they have work so hard.
These short video will take from 2 to 5 minutes to down load.
click here for Jacob doing his scent article
click here for Jacob doing his directed retierve
The first trial of the year we attended and all three of the dogs passed.
Judy and Jacob earned thier SchH OB2.
Tonia and Arin earned thier SchH OB2, this was the very first time they have ever been in a trail togeather.
They did a great job!
Exe passed her SchH BH.
We have had a very exciting year here at Truehuas. We would like to thank our students for all of their hard work
and time they have put into thier training.
We would like to congratulate Judy and Jacob on success at their first dog show.
They earned their first leg of their CD with a 188 1/2 score and First Place.
Jacob come to live with Judy after his breeder had to take him back from his fist home. He
was just a year old and they claimed him to be untrainable. Judy started classes with us just for some basic
obedience and has been very consistent with her training. Jacob has proven to be a great dog with lots of enthusiasm
for his training. So she decieded to try to put a CD title on him for FUN.
Once again Judy and Jacob received First Place and earned their second leg of their CD with a good score
of 189. Great Job!
5-28-2006 What an exciting way to finish their very first AKC title.
Leg 3 once again First Place with a very nice score of 187. Three shows, three First Places. What more can we say!
Judy and Jacob have now earned their SchH BH title. It was a very hot trial and they did a very nice job!
Judy and Jacob made a long trip up to Portland Oregon to earn their SchH OB1 title. They have been
working very hard all year.
Well once again a quick change for schutzhund to AKC. Judy and Jacob with a nice 187 have earned their first leg
for their CDX title.
Leg 2 with a very nice 192 first place. Great job. One more to go for their CDX.
All done with their CDX with another 192 and first place. Great JOB
Not sure what they will do to keep next year as exciting as this past one.
But I am sure they will be training and have a lot of fun.
Tirk has now passed her CGC title ( canine good citizen )
Tirk has now passed her SchH BH. She is very smart and easy to train.
Click here for a short video of Tirk starting protection work
You can see more pictures of Tirk on this page Eddy & Uny 1-4-2005
Kim & Bailee had another very good year
She now has her CGC title
4-8-2006 Bailee earned her SchH OB1
Bailee is now working on her CDX title. She is off to a good start
with a second place ribon for her first leg.
Bailee now has her second leg, this time with FIRST PLACE.
Bailee and Kimmie did the turkey circuit. With no worry about the fog or rain they were determined to finsh their CDX this year.
So now with a third place for their last leg they have completed thier CDX title. GREAT JOB!
You can see more pictures of Bailee on this page Kato & Ira 7-03
Kim is also working Tyra
10-1-2006 Tyra is training for her SchH titles
Click here for a short video of Tyra starting protection work
Click here for a short video of Tyra starting protection work
12-9-06 Tyra has now earned her SchH BH
You can see more pictures of Tyra on this page Marko & Sankt 1-12-2005
This is some of our dog class for Sunday Holloween 2004

and on normal days

6-16-01 Clancy raised and trained here at True Haus Kennels has earned her
Utility Title
with two first places, one second
and the Highest Scoring Working Dog award

5-13-01 at the Camellia Capital Kennel Club in Woodland, Ca. two day AKC dog show
students from our training classes

6-16-01 Zues has earned his CDX and Sankt has now finished her CD
In honor of America's working dogs and effort to keep dog training fun.
Our class decied to enter the AKC Two Cities Harvest Festival Show.
in the conformation class.

Sometime's it is hard to tell who is raising whom with Matt and Decker.
Both of them are very young and seem to have more time for play then lessons!
Matt and Decker doing bite work 10-2002
This short video will take from 2 to 5 minutes to down load.

Kim and Frizt at Gridley dog show 6-14 and 6-15-2003.
Earning two legs for thier CD title.
Both with a high score of 192 out of 200 points possable.
Kim and Fritz have finished thier CD with two second and one first place.
With a quick change from AKC obedence to Schutzhund Kim and Fritz have earned thier BH title
3-14-2004 Now Kim and Frtiz have earned their OB1 Schutzhund title

Koty and Clancy at thier first show togeather working on a CDX.
Hangtown dog show 5-22-2004
Kato's last leg for his CDX
Ranger's last leg for his CD
Ranger is one of Kato's pups