call name " KATO"
AKC #DL869602/01
Date of birth 2-22-1997
CD,OB1,IPO 3, SchH3, FH
attendant of
Czech Championship
in IPO in 2000
5VQ1/P 1st breeding class,
velmi dobry
SchH1, AD
ZW-89, Sz Nr: 2041597
a-normal, black and red bi-color
two weeks old

Puppies are 6 weeks old now and on the go

If you have time to wait, here is a short video.CLICK HERE
This puppy is 7 weeks old. Jim is doing some testing on the litter to see what thier driver
are like
This short video will take from 2 to 5 minets to down load.
update on puppies
Female in Nebraska
James & Cindy,
Not only wanted to update you on Elsa's progress, but wanted to pick your brains. We have been reading up on
the schutzhund training and have given some thought to following thru with it. Do not have a clue where to start
or who to start with. Can you give us a contact or two in Colorado or Nebraska.
Elsa is very smart and aware of her surroundings. She is curious, but calm. Has taken to the family and spends
her "ornery" times in the shop taking the hats and tools from my help. We are most impressed with her obvious
intelligence and capacity to learn. We feel it would be a shame not to expose her to the schutzhund training.
With warmest regards,
Roric & Deb
update on Elas. New picture 8-1-2005. She is doing great.
males in Connecticut

Jim and Cindy
The dogs are doing great. This pup is beautiful, he is learning so fast I think I'm the student.
He watches every move I make and almost anticipates the commands. He is on several different hand signals already.
His brother Jag and he are the best of buds. Jag is about 100 lbs. of muscle an has great drive. Deacon just had a
check-up and is 48 lbs. and growing.
Jim you were right, these dogs are the best. I have great times with them and
they are natural born comedians. Now if I can train them to bring the firewood into my house instead of to theirs,
winter will be easier. I can't tell you how many people admire their good looks and the impression of authority they
emit. I'll send some winter pictures after it snows.
male in Connecticut
Jim and Cindy,
Logan is doing great. He was the best at his puppy obedience class. It was
like he walked in there and something in him changed. He is all business
when it comes to commands. He loves to play with Tennis balls and he
learned to go to the bathroom on command. His right ear is finally catching
up to the left one so, I think it will be ok. I am definitely thinking
about more advanced obedience courses and ultimately agility. He amazes me
every day. He learns so quick and has an amazing memory. I am sending you
a picture that is about a month and a half old. He is now over 75 lbs and
still growing. I'm glad I waited. Hope everything is well.
Sergio Moren
Hi Jim and Cindy
We didn't want you to think we had forgotten about you. Broly is growing up to be a
wonderful dog. He is great a Frisbee and fetch. He is a natural athlete. We have
also started some tracking training with him. He impresses us day after day. He
has such a wonderful temperament and a natural intellegence. Our vet tells us that
every time we go. He is a great around children. We are excited to see how he is
when we have our own. His protection instincts are really starting to come out.
I never have to worry about leaving my wife alone or having her take him on walks.
He is so loyal to both of us. If one of us is not feeling well you can see the concern
he has for us. It's written all over his face.
We just wanted to let you know how pleased we are and that we will definitely be
buying more dogs from you in the future. We will send some pictures as soon as we can.
Dustin, Chrissy and Broly Fenner
Update on Broly 1-4-2006
I just wanted to let you know how happy we are with Broly. When he was a young pup we
wondered why we choose the alpha. He was so stubborn. As he has grown he has turned into the
best dog. He is so much more to us then just a pet. He is so wonderful and good natured.
Many of our friends and family would describe him as a nice guy and he truely is. Our vet says
he is the best German Shepherd she has ever worked with.
You breed wonderful dogs and we look forward to getting our next one from you.
Dustin, Chrissy, and Broly
FOR MORE INFORMATION on any of our german shepherd dogs:
James Reed