Pa-Schacks Ungar
call name "Taggert"
DDR bloodlines
Sankt vom True Haus, CGC, SchH BH, CD, SchH OB1
call name "Santa"
AKC #DL798487/08
Date of birth 8-7-1999
DDR Working loodlines
two weeks old

three weeks old

four weeks old

seven weeks old

You can more see pictures of
Tanner vom True Haus click here
Emmit vom True Haus
born 10-26-2002
Taggert and Sankt pup
this picture at 7 months of age

These pictures taken 3-2004
We wanted to let you know how things have turned out for Emmit. He is an amazing dog that makes us laugh. We are in awe of his power, quickness, and agility.
He is beautiful. His coat is gorgeous.
We love how his markings have surfaced, over time. He is also very smart. While out for a walk, people have stopped us to comment
on his good looks. We even had a woman in a truck pull over, just to tell me how beautiful she thought he was. Both his trainer and Vet think
he is an awesome GSD and has asked more than once where we got him. You produced a great dog.We love having him as part of our family.
He is a joy to be with and a loyal companion.
We hope you enjoy the pictures.
sherrye lee
Date 2-21-2003
Taggert & Sankt pup
, FL
It was nice hearing from you. Bobbi (Roberta) is loving her pup. Kent
went down to Florida recently, saw Zeke, and was just taken with the
dog. He was approximately 25-30 pounds then. Three weeks later, Bobbi
phoned to say that they just came from the vet and Zeke weighed in at
61. Bobbi now phones and leaves messages saying, “woof” instead of the
normal human messages. She’s absolutely loving that dog! Kent says he’s
one heck of a dog and can’t wait to see him again. He says he’d love
to take the dog home, but with 3 dogs now, I forbid it, unless of
course, he buys me a new house on at least 5 acres of land!!!
Joni Berardi
This guy is going to be a bear - but as
you'll see from the pictures - a teddy bear. I really want to thank
you for a good dog with a great temperament. My mom is on her own
again and Zeke is a loyal companion for her and I'm sure will also
be a dutiful bodyguard if the need ever arises. We'll send more
pics periodically as he grows.
Thanks again,
Taggert & Sankt pup
Donnely, ID
Wulfenite and I have already done puppy 101and are 2 lessons into 201 with 5 puppies .
He is so smart and I am learning so much from him. We have big plans for
the future I will keep you informed.
thanks Jean
Update 2-23-2004 training is going well

Date 2-19-2003
Taggert & Sankt pup
Sparks, Nv
new picture 2-12-2004
Hi, Cindy:
Oh, my Goodness! It would be hard to choose a favorite.
They are both so different, and so much fun. Karma is much better
behaved and listens better, but she's very "active"!! We were
supposed to start "puppy class" today, but the girl who runs it is
very ill and had to cancel.
She looks very much like her brother. She's gotten so big so fast.
I took them in for shots the other day, and she's at 34 pounds, not
an ounce of fat to be found. She's beautiful.
I can't thank you enough for having such a wonderful dog.
She's quite a welcome addition to our family, and Ken is
thrilled with her.
Talk to you soon,
FOR MORE INFORMATION on any of our german shepherd dogs:
James Reed