IPO3, FO, PD1, P1, P2S CD, CDX
Korklasse 1
IPO3 multiple times with very good scores
tracking 98, obedience 90, protection 94.
hips a normal, elbows normal
Black Sable
SZ-Nr. 2201554
tattoo-Nr. S-D 6028
AKC # DN30099301
Date of birth 4/10/2007
height 26 inches, weight 95 pounds
Esko is eye-catching to say the very least. Stunning black sable color with a magnificent broad and substantial head with loads of character and wonderful expression. Strong bones with fluid movement.
Good overall impression of firmness and strength. Absolutely rock solid temperament with great capacity to handle stress. Can go anywhere, anytime, day or night, totally self-confident and ready for anything.
Shows an excellent relationship with his handler in obedience with quick and reliable reactions to the commands. Strong drive in protection demonstrating full, hard grips and intensive guarding in the bark and hold exercise. Launches and hits with full commitment on the long distance courage test.
Calm and secure inside the home. We are very fortunate to be able to add him to our kennel.
For more pictures of Esko click here
Terra vom True Haus
AKC# DN20215207
Date of birth: 1/3/2008
height 24 inches
weight 70 pounds
Terra is one of our puppies out of Tommy and Exe.
Large and especially strong with good structure. Wonderful sable color with distinctive black markings.
Terra has a broad head, with great expression and well carried ears. Friendly and outgoing disposition with good nerve base.
Shows great guideability in obedience and is highly attentive to the handler at all times. Active in protection showing powerful
barking, high speed to the sleeve along with full and hard grips. Coming from our breeding program Terra is a good example of what we
strive to acheive in all of our breedings.
To see more pictures of Terra growing up
and videos of her working
11-5-12 week three
11-12-12 week four
11-20-12 week five
11-26-12 week six
12-3-12 week seven
Hi Jim and Cindy,
I took Luke to meet my former agility instructor and take advantage of being in a warm building.
There wasn't a piece of agility equipment he was afraid to climb on! So very impressed with him.
I took Luke to try his paws at herding. He's had so much fun!
They were very impressed and said he did fabulous.

Finally have current pictures of Luke. He is absolutely amazing! I love this boy!
Stunning good looks, great temperament, quick learner, always eager to please.....
and did I happen to mention good looks?
I can't believe he'll be a year old in October already. He's such a big boy at 80# too.
Holy buckets!
His training is coming along nicely.
I've really not pushed him at all - I'm in no hurry right now but am VERY pleased with where he's at.
And the helpers are really impressed with his full bites/grips.
I'll try to do a better job of keeping you posted. :)
Jim & Cindy,
I'm a bit behind, as usual, but wanted to send you a photo of Luke and let you know what a fine young man he's grown to be.
This photo was taken 4-13-14 and he is 18 months old today. He is such a lovely dog with stunning good looks, great temperament and work ethic.
He's always eager to interact with me whether in training or play or even rest. He has a great balance of toy and food drive which makes training a pleasure.
We've been busy getting our feet wet with herding and agility as well as continued work in obedience and IPO.
Luke acquired his CD title on April 6th (3 trials in one weekend!) and completed his Bh this past Saturday with Tulsa Schutzhund Club.
We're looking forward to his IPO1 this fall.
I couldn't have asked for a better companion. Thank you, True Haus Kennels!
Kayne Vom True Haus, CGC, CD, Bh

5-5-2017 Luke has now completed his IPO 2
3-2018 Luke has now completed his IPO 3 Congratulations this is not an easy task ;-)
Marko at 6 months of age
FOR MORE INFORMATION on any of our german shepherd dogs:
James Reed