CD, CDX, SchH1, TR1
Dark Sable
Jake is always watching the BAD guy taken 6-5-2005
This short video will take from 2 to 5 minuets to down load.
hips a(1/0) elbows 0/0,
black SABLE
Tattoo-Nr. 88603
You can find information on Uny or Jake on our home page here
first six weeks

Date: 12-19-2005
Reno, Nv
Hi Jim and Cindy,
I saw the cute picture of Esta's new pups and thought
I was due to give you all an update on Ruby. She has
really grown out of being a puppy and into being a
beautiful little dog. Her coloring is gorgeous, and we
have gotten many nice compliments on what a nice
figure she has as well (nothing like the GSD that many
are accustomed to seeing). We took two different puppy
classes with her this fall because I wanted to try a
couple of different trainers. They both went really
well, but I definitley liked the style of one much more
than the other. So come January we will just continue
with the one we like better (they breed bearded
collies and border collies and do a lot of different
events including conformation, obedience, agility and
herding). Ruby is amazingly intelligent, although its
no suprise with the excellent breeding that she comes
from. She is doing well learning her commands: sit,
down, stand, left, right, out...she still needs to
work on things like come, heel and stay, but those
will come. She is alert and confident, and it is so
much fun to watch and help her learn. She had her
first experience with snow this weekend. We woke up
Sunday morning with a nice steady snow (we usually
don't get much down here compared to up in Tahoe) with
about two to three inches on the ground. The backyard
was an entirely new place of discovery with all the
white stuff on the ground. What fun. She is loosing
her baby teeth now. She lost a molar last night and
another one this morning. She's changing so fast! Her
are a few picutres, although they are already a few
weeks old. I've had my finals and not been taking as
much pictures as I should considering how fast she
keeps changing! Enjoy the holidays!
FOR MORE INFORMATION on any of our german shepherd dogs:
James Reed