German Shepherd Dog




since 1968

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by Ricardo E. Carbajal & Johannes Grewe
Hopefully we will all live to see the day when the German Shepherd dog world will be under the same concept, that of a well-structured, perfectly balanced dog capable of performing at the highest known levels. Perhaps we will see the day when fashion gives way to balance and the Golden Middle rises supreme, not as a choice among many, but rather as the only sensible option. In the meantime, on the eve of the centennial celebration of the "king of breeds" on this earth, let us remember the final plea of its founder, Max von Stephanitz's last words to his good friend Muller on his deathbed,
"Take this trouble for me:
make sure my German Shepherd Dog remains a WORKING dog, for I have struggled all my life long for that aim".

  Team True Haus WDA (Working Dogs of America click here)
WDA Championship Texas 4-15-2023 results  click here
WDA trial 5-18&19-2024 results  click here
This page was updated on  9/23/2024
Planned breeding
for more info see our puppy page  Puppies for Sale  



Lincoln vom True Haus
FO, BN, CGC, P1, P1S, BH, PSOB1, PSOB2, CD, GN, CDX, Apr1, PS1, PD1, PD2(H), PS2, PS3, GPr2, P2, P3, OB1
AKC # DN46083501
hips: OFA Good, Elbows Normal
Date of birth: 5-18-2016
Height 25.5 inches Weight: 85 pounds
You can find information on Link's sire Back on this page  here
You can find information on Hanwna, Link's dam on this page  here
Large, black sable, exceptional in every way.
He brings back the old-style heavy bone type along with tremendous working abilities.
He has the legendary look of the East German bloodlines along with the superior temperament
and performance qualities of the West German working lines.
Transitions between active and passive behavior perfectly on command.
Shows an excellent relationship with his handler in obedience with reliable fast reactions to the commands. Steady and sure, impossible to find fault,
always full of self-confidence with nerves of steel.
4-22-18 Link was a bit full of himself as we took the field for his Protection dog 1 sleeve title. But he pulled it together and earned a nice score of 87.5 for protection.
5-10-18 Link earned his first leg of his CD title with 193 points and second place.
6-30-2018 Link earned his Protection Sport Obedience one PSOB1 with a very nice score 96.5!
Click here for a vidoe of Links PSOB1
8-25-18 Link working at the Orland Police K9 Demo  Click here.
9-3-18 We were very pleased with how Link handled the 3 days of computation this last weekend. He finished his CD title, then moved up to the Graduate Novice class.
He earned two legs for that title. One with second place and the other with 188 first place.
9-22-18 Link finished his GN title with first place and a nice score of 190.
10-6-18 Link and I took a road trip to Oregon to the Rouge Valley Schutzhund club and he earned his Apr1.
11-17&18-18 Link added two more titles to his list of accomplishments, his PS1 and PD1. Both with first place and very nice scores.
He was also High in trial for protection. PS1 95.5 OB and 95.75 protection, PD1 97.9 OB and 96.25 protection
Once again he proves how solid his temperament is and how willing he is to do what is asked of him.
1-20-19 Link earning his PD2 title with Honors and High in Trial! All of this in the rain and on a feild and decoy he has never worked on.
The obedience was not quite up to par with the rain 84.5 but the protection was very good 96 points. Nice job 3 titles in 3 months.
5-4-19 Link earned his PS2 title with 93.85 obedience and 94.5 protection first place and High in trial protection.
5-5-19 Link was back on the field for the WDA Western Regional trial. He earned his PS3 title with second place and a very nice protection score 92.3.
The WDA PS3 title has all of the same obedience and protection routines in it as a IPO3 or Schutzhund 3 with no tracking.
We are very proud of him working two days in a row and adding two high level titles at his young age.
8-24-19 Link once again working at the Orland Police K9 Demo  Click here.
10-20-19 Link has now added his GPr2 this is a Shutzhund (IGP) title.
11-9-19 Link earned his P2 with second place and very nice scores 94.4 obedience an 94 protection.
6-13&14-20 Link earned his P3 title with 95 in obedience and 91.5 for protection give him High in Trial.
We were very please how he handled having 3 judges on field and all of them very close in their scores.
9-19-20 Trials have been hard to come by this year, but Link did earn his first leg with 186 and second place for his CDX title.
1-17-21 First AKC trial for this year, Link earn his second leg with 189 1/2 and third place out of 19 dogs for his CDX title.
5-14-21 Link finished his CDX with a very nice 182.5 and 3rd out of 15 dogs.
8-16-21 Link earned two legs for his GO title both with first place.
8-28-21 Link once again working at the Orland Police K9 Demo  Click here.  
Link's Pedigree
For more pictures of Link click here

You can see Link's offspring on these pages:
Link and Vicky's pup Tycho  click here   Link and Bryta's pup Clip  click here   Link and Tesla's pup Rip  click here
Link and Brook's pup Maggie  click here   Link and Abbie's pup Gemma  click here   Link and Remmis's pup Siggi  click here
      Link and Eddie's pup Quigley  click here       Link and Audi's pup Colonel  click here      Link and Fjori's pup Taggert  click here  
  Maggie vom True Haus
FO, P1(H), CGC, BN, CD, GN, BH, PS1, PD1, P2, OB2
AKC # DN68774801
HD: fast normal, ED: normal
Date of birth: 10-10-2021
Height: 23 Weight: 62
You can find information on Maggie's sire Link on this page page here
You can find information on Brook, Maggie's dam on this page  here
We try to raise a puppy for several months from our litters.
This helps with our breeding program for us to see how our puppies are growing and how thier temperment is.
Maggie as she is a carbon copy of Brook.
Very good body type built for performance with strong bones, broad powerful head and muzzle with terrific expression. Highly motivated to work, athletic and quick to do anything asked of her, retrieving instinct pronounced, will do anything for a ball. Enthusiastic and enjoys performing, superior bonding capability with the handler and naturally guidable, follows the obedience commands without hesitation. In protection work she is highly determined, barking is consistent and strikes quickly to the sleeve. True working character with great desire to perform, grips are always full and very hard.
3-25-23 Maggie vom True Haus (Link x Brook) earned two titles at the All Duty K9 WDA Trial. She knocked out her Family Obedience (FO) routine with an excellent score of 96.9 and returned to the field to earn her Protection Dog 1 (P1) title with honors and a High in Protection score of 97.5! Congratulations to Cindy and Maggie for the great teamwork!
5-12-23 Maggie finished her BN title with a great score of 196 1/2 and second place. Then she stepped up to CD and earnec her first leg with first place, nice job.
9-4-23 Maggie earned her secnd leg for her CD with a very nice 187.
9-8-23 Maggie earned her last leg for her CD title so now onto GN.
9-23-23 Maggie earned her first leg for her GN with 183 and second pleace.
11-19-23 Maggie when to a feild she had never worked on and earned her BH.
12-10&11-23 Maggie really out did our exceptions. First day of a two day trial she earned her PS1 with first place.
Very nice scores of 85 obedience and 89.5 protection. The on the second day she earned her PD1 title again with first place out of 6 dogs.
Again very nice scores 85 obedience and 93.5 protection. She received the judges choice trophy and was high in trial as well as high in protection.
She is really starting to take after her mom.
4-13-24 Maggie finished her GN title with second place and a nice score of 189 1/2.
5-18&19-24 Maggie earner her P2 with first place and also an OB2 with second place.
Maggie's Pedigree
For more pictures of Maggie click here
Gaja Sabanero
AKC# DN71111201
Suchno: 78110/18
hips a normal, elbows normal
Date of birth 10-26-2018
height 23 inches
weight 75 pounds
Strong and muscular, striking bi-color female with good chest development and a powerful noble head.
Distinctively spirited attitude and self-confident, social, and trustworthy temperament. Very affectionate and loving to her handler. Great drive for the ball and easy to live with. Especially pronounced alert expression along with the ability to make correct judgement in every situation.
Very good in protection showing powerful grips on the sleeve.
She comes from top performance bloodlines known for sound temperament, rock-solid constitution, and optimum health.
5-18&19-2024 Nancy and Gaja trialed at the WDA trial and did two titles. First was their FO and the took first place with a great score of 95.
The next day and earned their P1 with a very nice 93 in protection! Great job!
To see more pictures of Gaja   click here  
Gaja's Pedigree

Visit this page to see some of the great dogs we have had the pleasure of owning  CLICK HERE

I would like to share a few words that express my thoughts on breeding working German Shepherds.
   There was a Germany before WW2 and all the German Shepherds came from that stock. What made the DDR program keep the dogs healthier and in some ways stronger in character is not the fact that they were bred in the northeastern part of the former unified Germany. It was because of the regulations the East government set for their police and working breeds after removing these breeds from the kennel club control and regulating their breeding programs governmentally.  The dogs all came from the same place. But went into different directions because of different breed regulations and controls. Since the fall of the DDR and Germany's reunification, the West (SV) regulations have been the only regulations in place. And we all saw the direction the West dogs had gone with their attitude about breeding. There were some isolated breeders in Germany (West) who bred according to their own standard they set for themselves. Greif comes from one of those, as did dogs like Bussecker Schloss etc.    My point to all this is that it matters most how dogs are bred, NOT WHERE.
Some dogs in West Germany, or Czech, or Holland, or Belgium, or Austria, or Switzerland were awesome. The fact that nobody seemed to care how these dogs were used in breeding is what caused the problems. It is getting very hard to find any good DDR stock.
There is no more DDR regulation stock.
So you have to settle for pedigrees with DDR dogs in them.
My point is that people slapping dogs who go back to DDR lines together does not make it a DDR dog, even if they claim 100%.
DDR dogs are German dogs anyway. The reason they were not messed up was because of the regulations the DDR had. Nobody follows those regulations, so there are no more DDR dogs.
Once again my point to this is:
     dogs who produced the same traits are important

Discussed and agreed upon by Armin Winkler and Jim Reed

Just who is looking after you and your family?
A German Shepherd dog is naturally equipped with what it takes to do the job better than any sensory system man has made. It can hear and sense danger where a video surveillance system does not, and can chase after any intruder and stop them. It can tell the difference between an intruder and a family time or at night.





Long-Term Health Risks and Benefits Associated with Spay / Neuter in Dogs : 

We have questions all of the time about the height and weight of our dogs. We have added that information by each dog. So we thought maybe we should add the standards for height and weight of the German Shepherd dog:
From Schutzhund USA web page: Size/Weight
Males: Height at the wither 60 cm to 65 cm.
Height 60 cm is equal to 23 inches. Height 65 cm is equal to 26 inches.
Weight 30 kg to 40 kg.
Weight 30 kg is equal to 66 pounds. Weight 40 kg is equal to 88 pounds.
Females: Height at the wither 55 cm to 60 cm.
Height 55 cm is equal to 21 inches. Height 60 cm is equal to 23 inches.
Weight 22 kg - 32 kg
Weight 22 kg is equal to 48 pounds. Weight 32 kg is equal to 70 pounds.
From AKC web page :
The desired height for males at the top of the highest point of the shoulder blade is 24 to 26 inches; and for bitches, 22 to 24 inches.

Our kennel was inspected by AKC on June 8-2016.
This is what the inspector had to say:
The breeder was in compliance with all rules and regulations with the AKC and should be commended on the overall care and condition of her dogs as well as the organization of her paperwork.
To see the full report CLICK HERE



bred for:


True Haus Kennel is located in Oroville, CA. North of Sacramento. We have a complete training facility here for your German Shepherd dog or Malinois.


To deepen the bond between you and your dog, and to increase the enjoyment, companionship and satisfaction of the relationship with your dog.
The best things in life aren't really things..................

If you are an AOL user you will need to type my email address and not use the link to email
James Reed
2280 Louis Ave.
Oroville, Ca. 95966
We return all calls and emails the same day or no later than the next day. So if you do not hear from us, it is because we were unable to get your number off our answering machine.
Or we did not get your email.
Please try again.